About Michael Scott
Michael Scott was born in the Midwest. He studied painting at the Kansas City Art Institute where he received his BFA; He was the recipient of the Skowhegan painting fellowship, Skowhegan Maine and received his MFA from the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati Ohio. His fascination for the West led him to Santa Fe where he currently lives and works.
In his earlier work, Scott created elaborate conceptual narratives using the American Landscape and the American West for his backdrop, for which he has had numerous gallery and museum exhibitions. He has exhibited in New York, Santa Fe, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Los Angeles and Washington D.C., among other cities...
...His work was included in the 41st Corcoran Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, has been featured in numerous group exhibitions and the subject of numerous critical reviews, catalogues and publications.
Scott’s artwork is included in many private and corporate collections as well as the permanent collections of the Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown Ohio, The Corpus Christi Museum of Art, Corpus Christi Texas, The Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati Ohio, The New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans Louisiana, The Autry Museum of The American West, Los Angeles California, The Tyson Collection of Contemporary Art, Springdale Arkansas, The Southern Ohio Museum of Art, Portsmouth Ohio, The Hunter Museum of American Art Chattanooga Tennessee, The Whitney Collection of Western Art- Buffalo Bill Museum, Cody Wyoming Wyoming, and The J.B. Seed Art Museum, Louisville Kentucky, among others.
Fellowships Awards
1975 Skowhegan Fellowship
1998 Post Corbett Award Finalist
1999 Ohio Individual Arts Fellowship
2002 Ohio Individual Arts Fellowship
Selected Collections
Arts & Humanities of New Mexico Santa Fe NM
The Buffalo Bill Museum of Art Cody WY
The Corpus Christi Museum of Art Corpus Christi TX
J.B. Speed Museum, Louisville, KY
Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock AK
Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown OH
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati OH
Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga TN
Southern Ohio Museum of Art
Huntington Bank Columbus Ohio
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans LA
Autry National Center for Arts and Culture LosAngeles, CA
The Nicolaysen Art Museum
A.B. Closson, Jr. Co. Cincinnati OH
AT&T, Piscataway NJ
Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH
Arthur Anderson Co. Chicago IL
Capitol Holding, Louisville KY
Central Trust Bank, Cincinnati OH
Charter Oak Savings Assoc. Cincinnati and Columbus OH
Cincinnati Financial, Cincinnati OH
Cincinnati Art Galleries, Cincinnati OH
Cincinnati Playing Cards Cincinnati OH
Cincinnati Heating & Air Conditioning
Citicorp Investment Bank, New York NY
City of Covington, Covington KY
Drackett Corporation Cincinnati OH
Federated Central Office Cincinnati OH
Fidelity Investments Boston MA
Hamilton Carver & Lee, Cincinnati OH
J.C. Nichols Co, Inc. Kansas City MO
Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue, Los Angeles CA
Kentucky Utilities, Carrollton KY
Manhattan Life Co, New York NY
Michigan Bell Telephone Co, Southfield MI
Miner Raymond & Associates, Cincinnati OH
Museum Acquisitions Ltd. Chicago IL
NYNEX, White Plains NY
Northern Trust Corporation, Chicago IL
Prince Corporation, Holland MI
Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ
Century Sports Inc. Ridgefield NJ
Quality Group Inc. Kansas City MO
R.H. Love Gallery, Chicago IL
Scheper Chemical Co. Cincinnati OH
Scripts Howard News, Cincinnati OH
Cincinnati Bell, Cincinnati OH
The Phoenix of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH
Tia Collection, Santa Fe, NM
Brown Foreman, Louisville KY
BFA, Kansas City Art Institute
1978 MFA, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH.
Looking and Seeing, January, 2025:
Evokation, February 2023:
Evokation, January 2022:
Western Art and Architecture – 2019:
“New York Gallery Guide “ January 2012 –Cover + intro
“Dogs in Art” Art & Antiques Feb.2012 Cover Sarah E. Fensom
“Buffalo Bulbs Wild West” Cowboys & Indians Magazine October 2010 Wolf Scheinder
The Santa Fean Cover August – September 2010
The Magazine Cover July 2010
Katherine Davis review “Michael Scotts Buffalo Bulbs Wild West” July 2010
Devon Jackson “Trickster Man” The Santa fean Magazine June-July Art Issue pp.50-54 color reproductions
John O’Hern June 2010 “Michael Scott Man of the West” Western Art Collector pp.108-111
John O’Hern October 2008 “Life as Art” Western Art Collector pp.68-77
Guy Cross “Universe of Michael Scott” The Magazine September2008 pp.16-17
Amato, Ivan. “Singing the Cadmium Blues”, Science News, September 15, 1990, pp. 168-169
Armitage Diane “I can’t help wonder what it would be like to ingest A hallucinogen” THE , magazine Oct,2002
Barrett, Jackie. “This Event Would Make Cinderella Proud,”The Cincinnati Enquirer, Wed. March 29 1989, p.D-5
Bauer Marilyn “Artist Uses Fowl In The Fairest Way” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Thurs. April 11 2002
Cover Tempo, color reproductions.
Brandt, Frederick R. “’Harmony and Discord’ American Landscape Painting Today” Exhibition Catalog Virginia Museum Of Fine Arts, Richmond, August 7 1990, p. 10-12
Cooper, James F. “American Realists Get Back to Nature,” New York City Tribune, Culture, Oct. 11,1990, p.16
Converse, Elizabeth. “Eco-Aesthetics: Art and the Environment,” Visions, Art Quarterly, Spring 1991, p.p.8-13
Cyran, Carol A. review of “ Design and Desires,” Dialogue, November/December, 1989
Dorger, Cecilia. “Forms Glow and Grow in Scottish Landscape Exhibition”, Art Academy News, December, 12,1985
Drillis, Catherine, “Dissent Folk,” Manhattan Sprit, January 21,1992
Escamilla Raquel, “Michael Scott” Gallery Preview Santa Fe SantaFean Magazine May 1999
“The Ecological Explosion,” ART news, summer 1991, p.96-105
Fagley, William A. “The 41st Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting- Catalogue,” Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 1989
O’Hara Cate.“Divergent Weston Exhibition reward longer Looks” City Beat May 2-8 2002
Findsen, Owen. “Art Galleries Contrast Old, New Talent,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, December 1,1985
Findsen, Owen. “Some Artist Choose Cincinnati,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Tri State Magazine, June 14, 1987
Findsen, Owen. “’The Phoenix’ will rise at the Phoenix,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Entertainment, Sunday, March19,1989,p.E-7
Findsen, Owen. “Abstractions as Abstract Art,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday July 16,1989, P. H-8
Findsen, Owen. “ Artist Relieved to Miss Furor at Corcoran,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, September 24, 1989, p.C-1.
Findsen, Owen. “On View: Closson Showing Landscapes,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, October 17 1987.
Findsen, Owen. “Artist See Red Over Proposed Cadmium Ban,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, May 6 1990,p. D-3.
Findsen, Owen. “ Art Galleries Contrast Old, New Talents,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, December 1 1985, Section E-4 p.2
Findsen, Owen. “ The Squeeze on Space: Fire Intensifies the Dilemma Artist Face,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday February 15, 1987, Section F,p.1
Findsen, Owen. “Realist Painters Say NEA Discriminates,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday January 6, 1990
Findsen, Owen. “Small Works Big Nature,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, October 22, 1991, p. B-8
Findsen, Owen “Scott paints ‘Penny’ for your thoughts” The Cincinnati Enquirer Tues. July 20 1999
Gates, Katharine. “Innocence on the Berge,” Style Weekly, September 11, 1990 Art. Green, Roger. “Corcoran Biennial a Mixed Blessing for Southern Art,” La Gniappe, September 22, 1989, p. 13
Goode, Stephen. “Shock Troops in the Culture War,” Insight on the News, July 5, 1993,p. 6-11, 34 35
Grimaldi, Mary Moore. “Trains and Planes: The Influence of Locomotion in American Painting,” Dialogue, May/June 1990 p. 30
Hatch, George. “Cadmium Fight Just Won’t Fade,” Los Angeles Times, May 28, 1990, p. Al., A30
Henry, Gerrit. “Michael L. Scott,” ART news, April 1991,p.156
Hickle Josh “Exhibit Opens Saturday Portsmouth Museum” Portsmouth Daily Times, February 7,2002- front-page
Hurwitz, Laurie S. “Emerging Artist: Michael Scott,” American Artist, August 1989, pp. 46-47
Hurwitz, Laurie, S. “ Taming Wild Places” American Artist, March,1994, pp.22-29
Isaacson, Philip. “Paintings show Maine to the New York gallery crowd,” Maine Sunday Telegram, Sunday, July4 1993, p4e
Johnson David, Taft Museum of Art, exhibition preview Dialogue, March/April,2002
Joyce, Linda Max. “Landscape Painters Offering New Approaches as Environment Changes,” The TUC Gallery Exhibition Celebrates the Creative Sprit,” The News Record, Friday, July 7, 1989
Lane, Earl. “Cadmium Ban Fought, New York Newsday, Tuesday, October 2, 1990, Discovery, p.3
Lawrence, Thomas. “Michael Scott: “Sprit of the Trees,” Artist in the 1990’s,” Manhattan Arts, September- October 1992 p. 7
Ledden, Michael A., “Murphy’s Law 1992,” The International Economy, January/February, 1992, p. 9-11 & p.52-53
Latter, Ruth. “Art Takes Nature to Heart,” The Daily Progress, August 24, 1990
Mariani, John F. “Restaurants Have a Taste for Fine Art,” USA TODAY, June 13, 1989
McDonald Barbara “ Who Rules” The Best of Santa Fe 1999 Santa Fe Reporter p.77 “Best Show Opening of 1999”
Minton, David. “Louisville, Lexington Art Tastes Contrasted in Headley Exhibit,” Lexington Herald-Leader, February 19, 1989, p. F5
McCarthy, Mary. “It’s the Real Thing,” CINCINNATI MAGAZINE, October 1992, pgs. 72-79
Pearce, Sara. “A Mural is a Restaurants Signature,” The Cincinnati Enquirer. Monday, March 27, 1989,p.B-1, B-5
Pearce, Sara. “The Art of Dining,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, March 27, 1989
Schwan, Gary. “South’s Art Shed Regionalism, ”The Palm Beach Post, January 5, 1990, p.20.
“Cadmium Report,” CNN Television, August 8, 1990.
Staff. “Illumination and Radiance: Epiphanies in Contemporary Painting,” ART Forum, January 1991
Staff. “Arnot Exhibits to Open,” The Leader, This Week, January,9, 1991, p. 2D
Stein, Jerry. “Artist Chickens teach us Lessons of Life” The Cincinnati Post, Friday April 12, 2002
Stein, Jerry. “Scott Paints Landscapes Filled with Color Emotion,” The Cincinnati Post, October17, 1987
Stein, Jerry. “Art Show Covers Many Months and Many Miles, The Cincinnati Post, Tuesday, November 12, 1985, p. 6b
Schulman, Heidi. “All Over Red,” NBC TV TODAY SHOW, August 2, 1990
“ Gallery Show Fights to Keep Color in Art,” Art Business News, September 1990
Cindy Starr, “Artist Changes His Landscape Michael Scott Shifts Court” Cincinnati Post May 15 2001
Tower, Ann. “Despite Larger Work, Scott’s Oil Paintings Appealing,” Lexington Herald Leader, Sunday, March 26, 1989, p. B5
Wolff, Millie. “Southern Artists Featured in Norton Biennial,” Palm Beach Today, Saturday, December 30, 1989, pp.7-8