About Jeremy Miranda
Jeremy Miranda's recent work is rooted in depictions of his changing routine, while keeping sparks of the ethereal within the small details of a moody sunset, or the glow of fireflies on a summer night. These paintings are a departure from the invented narratives and spaces typical in his work. They are grounded in the everyday and are primarily about observing the forms and colour that make up the spaces in his immediate surroundings.
Awards and Honors
Coming soon!
2004 BFA, Massachusetts College of Art and Design
2001 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
Looking and Seeing. Jeremy Miranda: Cooking (version 3), John O’Hern
Evokation. Summer Salon: Part II Introducing Jeremy Miranda. Emily Van Cleve
JUXTAPOZ Art & Culture. The Dream State in Jeremy Miranda’s “Roots and Crowns” in Toronto. Evan Pricco
Rochester Museum of Fine Art. Jeremy Miranda: Driveway to Driveway
The Rochester Post. Rochester MFA Presents Works by Jeremy Miranda and Jared Del Deo. Matt Wyatt
Fine Art Connoisseur/Fine Art Today. Jeremy Miranda Solo Exhibition: “Everyday.”
The Jealous Curator. Jeremy Miranda. Danielle Krysa
BOOOOOOOM. Artist Spotlight: Jeremy Miranda
Create! Magazine. Constructed Environments by Jeremy Miranda. Ekaterina Popova
COLLOSSAL. Artist Jeremy Miranda Explores Memory and Scenes of the Northeast in His Sublime Paintings. Christopher Jobson
USA Art News. Artist Jeremy Miranda Draws Between the Worlds of Reality and Dreams
fubiz. Poetic Photorealistic Oil Paintings by Jeremy Miranda. Léa
IGNANT. Jeremy Miranda Paints Spatial Confusions. Brit Seaton
Vice. A Plein Air Painter Captures the Natural Beauty of the Northeast. Diana Shi
Design Stack. Paintings of Surreal Collages of Interiors and Exteriors
Tryptic Press Design. Jeremy Miranda. Andrew Houle
COLLOSSAL. Artist Jeremy Miranda Examines Memory with Oil Landscapes that Bleed into Interiors. Christopher Jobson
Coming soon!